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Next cat project granted by FORMAS
Today FORMAS granted a follow-up project of MiSSE where the health effects of the per- and polyfluroalkyl substances (PFASs) will be in focus. In MiSSE we could show that all household cats are exposed to PFAS levels similar to humans, […]
New article “Transthyretin-Binding Activity of Complex Mixtures Representing the Composition of Thyroid-Hormone Disrupting Contaminants in House Dust and Human Serum”
The different projects within MiSSE, i.e. the reviews, chemical analysis and in silico modelling led up to the formulation of complex chemical mixtures, corresponding to the levels found in household dust and exposure to human (adults and infants) in Sweden. […]
New book – Pets as Sentinels, Forecasters and Promoters of Human Health
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the current knowledge and research concerning domestic pets as sentinels, forecasters and promoters of human health. Written by leading specialists in the fields of medicine, veterinary, environment, analytical chemistry, sociology and behavioral science, […]
Scientific report of the MiSSE project
The MiSSE-project has come to an end and the scientific report was submitted to Formas 2019-03-31. There we summarize the major findings of the project. In total, 20 articles have been published (5 still in the pipeline), 2 doctoral theses […]
Article from Stockholm University about MiSSE final conference on chemicals in dust
Should we be more concerned about how we are exposed to chemicals indoors? A conference at the end of August summarizes several years of research on how we are exposed to hormone disrupting chemicals collected in the dust of our […]
New publication in the project regarding phthalates
Phthalate esters, suspected endocrine disrupting chemicals, are used in a wide range of applications. Because phthalate esters are not covalently bound, they can easily leach into the indoor environment and associate to dust particles. Thus, exposure may occur through inhalation, ingestion, or contact […]
Article in The New York Times Magazine
Well written article in The New York Times Magazine named “The Mystery of the Wasting House-Cats” by Emily Anthes, to which both Åke Bergman and Jana Weiss contributed. The article describes how Feline hyperthyroidism was first reported in the late […]
MiSSE article covered by media
The article “Cats’ internal exposure to selected BFRs and organochlorines correlated to house dust and cat food” published in Environmental Science & Technology got an international coverage in media. Stockholm University has covered the article with a Swedish and a […]
New article in Environmental Science & Technology
A new article is now available in Environmental Science & Technology describing the exposure of brominated and chlorinated compounds via house hold dust and cat food to cats. “Cats’ Internal Exposure to Selected Brominated Flame Retardants and Organochlorines Correlated to […]