Articles and theses published within the MiSSE project
Gustafsson et al. 2022. Estimated daily intake of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances related to different particle size fractions of house dust. Chemosphere, 303(2):135061
Weiss et al. 2021. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in Swedish household dust and exposure of pet cats. Environmental Science and Pollution Research Vol. 28:39001–39013
Hamers et al 2020. Transthyretin-Binding Activity of Complex Mixtures Representing the Composition of Thyroid-Hormone Disrupting Contaminants in House Dust and Human Serum. Environmental Health Perspective Vol. 128, No. 1
Weiss and Jones 2020. Using Cats as Sentinels for Human Indoor Exposure to Organic Contaminants and Potential Effects on the Thyroid Hormone System. Book chapter (pages 123-139) in “Pets as Sentinels, Forecasters and Promoters of Human Health”. Editors Pastorinho and Sousa, Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Li et al 2019. Characterization of residential household dust from Shanghai by particle size and analysis of organophosphorus flame retardants and metals. Environmental Sciences Europe volume 31, Article number: 94
Brits et al. 2019. Short-, medium-, and long-chain chlorinated paraffins in South African indoor dust and cat hair. Chemosphere 238:124643
Jones et al. 2019. Are persistent organic pollutants important in the etiology of feline hyperthyroidism? A review. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica 61:45
Brits et al. 2019. Brominated and organophosphorus flame retardants in South African indoor dust and cat hair. Environmental Pollution, 253: 120-129
Carlsson et al. 2019. Thyroid disruption properties of three indoor dust chemicals tested in Silurana tropicalis tadpoles. Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2019:1–9
Spaan et al 2019. Review - Effects of 25 thyroid hormone disruptors on zebrafish embryos: A literature review of potential biomarkers. Science of the Total Environment, 656: 1238–1249
Weiss et al 2018. Daily intake of phthalates, MEHP, and DINCH by ingestion and inhalation. Chemosphere, 208: 40-49
Natalia Fijol 2018. Brominated flame retardants in our domestic animals. Bachelor Thesis Stockholm University
Kyra Spaan 2017. Survey of Zebrafish (Danio rerio) effects after exposure to thyroid hormone disrupting compounds - A literature review on 25 compounds to aid the identification of thyroid hormone relevant endpoints at an early developmental stage. Master Thesis Stockholm University
Madeleine Öst 2017. Perfluoroalkyl phosphonic and phosphinic acids - Field of application and sampling strategy. Bachelor Thesis Stockholm University
Brits et al 2017. Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry for non-target screening of organohalogenated chemicals compounds in cat hair. J Chromatogr A, pii:S0021-9673(17)31236-0
Leusch et al 2017. Comparison of in vitro and in vivo bioassays to measure thyroid hormone disrupting activity in water extracts. Chemosphere, 191: 868-875
Brits et al 2017. Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to high resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry for non-target screening of organohalogenated chemicals compounds in cat hair. J Chromatogr A, pii:S0021-9673(17)31236-0
Ouyang et al 2017. Miniaturization of a transthyretin binding assay using a fluorescent probe for high throughput screening of thyroid hormone disruption in environmental samples. Chemosphere, 171:722-728
Norrgran Engdahl et al 2017. Cats´ external exposure to selected BFRs and organochlorines correlated to house dust and cat food. Environmental Science & Technology, 51:3012-3020
Jin Zhang 2016. In silico identification of potential thyroid disrupting chemicals. PhD Thesis Umeå University
Ouyang et al 2016. Non-target analysis of household dust and laundry dryer lint using comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Chemosphere, 166:413-437
Iakovleva et al 2016. Tetrabromobisphenol A is an Efficient Stabilizer of the Transthyretin Tetramer. PLoS One, 11 (4): e0153529
Ghorbanzadeh et al 2016. Binary classification model to predict developmental toxicity of industrial chemicals in zebrafish. J Chemometrics, 30: 298 –307
Dahlberg and Weiss 2016. Organophosphorus flame retardants in Swedish house dust. Organohalogen Compounds, Dioxin conference, Italy
Zhang et al 2016. A Structure-based Virtual Screening Protocol for in silico Identification of Potential Thyroid Disrupting Chemicals Targeting Transthyretin. Environmental Science & Technology, 50:11984-11993
Zhang et al 2016. Identification and Molecular Interaction Studies of Thyroid Hormone Receptor Disruptors among Household Dust Contaminants. Chem. Res. Toxicol., 2016, 29 (8), pp 1345–1354
Zhang et al 2015. In Silico Approach To Identify Potential Thyroid Hormone Disruptors among Currently Known Dust Contaminants and Their Metabolites. Environmental Science & Technology 49:10099
Weiss et al 2015. Tracing thyroid hormone-disrupting compounds: database compilation and structure-activity evaluation for an effect-directed analysis of sediment. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407:5625
Norrgran et al 2015. Higher PBDE Serum May Be Associated with Feline Hyperthyroidism in Swedish Cats. Environmental Science & Technology, 49:5107
Jessica Engdahl Norrgran 2015. Cats as a biomarker for exposure to POPs in home environments - with focus on brominated chemicals and associations to feline hyperthyroidism. PhD Thesis Stockholm university
Dahlberg and Norrgran et al 2014. Recovery discrepancies of OH-PBDEs and polybromophenols in human plasma and cat serum versus herring and long-tailed duck plasma. Chemosphere 94:97
Relevant articles published by MiSSE partners
Bergman et al 2013. The impact of endocrine disruption: a consensus statement on the state of the science. Environ Health Perspectives. 121:A104-106
Norrgran et al. 2012. Decabromobiphenyl, Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, and Brominated Phenolic Compounds in Serum of Cats Diagnosed With the Endocrine Disease Feline Hyperthyroidism. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 63:161
Montaño et al. 2013. Metabolic activivation of non-polar sediment extracts results in enhanced thyroid hormone disrupting potency. Environmental Science & Technology 47:8878
Other relevant publications for the project
Gustafsson et al. 2018. Isolation and characterization of a respirable particle fraction from residential house-dust. Environmental Research 161:284-290
Murk et al. 2013. Mechanism-based testing strategy using in vitro approaches for identification of thyroid hormone disrupting chemicals. Toxicology in Vitro 27(4):1320
Dye et al. 2007. Elevated PBDE Levels in Pet Cats: Sentinels for Humans? Environmental Science & Technology 41:6350
Mercier et al. 2011. Organic Contamination of Settled House Dust, A Review for Exposure Assessment Purposes. Environmental Science & Technology 45:6716