In MiSSE several approaches have been investigated to identify and evaluate the potency of the thyroid hormone disruptors. There are several possible sites on the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid (HPT) axis for analysed environmental contaminants to act. We have used in silico modelling to predict the binding of dust associated compounds to bind to the transport protein transthyretin (TTR) and the thyroid receptor. The indicated potentĀ EDCs were tested on different in vitro assays for rejection/confirmation. Both individual compounds and mixtures with relevant composition representing dust, cats serum and human serum exposure were tested for their binding potency to TTR.
The thyroid hormone dependent development of frogs (find reference to figure)
We are currently also performing in vivo testing on the AMA (amphibian metamorphosis assay) on a selection of compounds. Frogs have a established TH dependent development and the assay is recommended by the OECD guideline for testing EDCs. We have also tested individual compounds and mixtures in the zebrafish embryo test, where we are trying to find specific biomarkers for thyroid hormone disruption.
The results will be presented here as soon as they are published.