Article in The New York Times Magazine

Well written article in The New York Times Magazine named “The Mystery of the Wasting House-Cats” by Emily Anthes, to which both Åke Bergman and Jana Weiss contributed. The article describes how Feline hyperthyroidism was first reported in the late […]

MiSSE article covered by media

The article “Cats’ internal exposure to selected BFRs and organochlorines correlated to house dust and cat food” published in Environmental Science & Technology got an international coverage in media. Stockholm University has covered the article with a Swedish and a […]

New article in Environmental Science & Technology

A new article is now available in Environmental Science & Technology describing the exposure of brominated and chlorinated compounds via house hold dust and cat food to cats. “Cats’ Internal Exposure to Selected Brominated Flame Retardants and Organochlorines Correlated to […]

MiSSE in the Swedish magazine Extrakt

“MiSSE-projektet jagar elaka dammråttor” Formas tidningen Extrakt har intervjuat Jana Weiss om MiSSE projketet. Läs hela artikel »

MiSSE in LCGC magazine The Column

Shortly after the paper “Higher PBDE Serum Concentrations May Be Associated with Feline Hyperthyroidism in Swedish Cats” was published in Environmental Science & Technology, our partner Jessica Norrgran was contacted by  LCGC for an interview regarding our research. The article is […]

MiSSE i Veterinär magazinet (in Swe)

Läs om vad vår veterinär Bernt Jones säger om MiSSE projektet i Veterniär magazine. Läs magazinet (PDF) »

MiSSE kollegor i SR Kropp & Själ

Programmet Kropp & Själ på Sveriges Radio sände imorse ett inslag om “De osynliga kemikalierna”. Våra MiSSE kollegor Åke Bergman och Ulrika Winnberg utförde provtagning och analys av damm hos en reporter och hans barnfamilj. Alla de kemikalier som analyserats […]

Prof. Bergman comments the WHO-EDC document on SVT (in Swedish)

Prof. Åke Bergman vid Stockholms universitet kommenterar den nya rapporten ”Endocrine Disrupting Cemicals 2012” som är en global rapport som ges ut av Världshälsoorganisationen, WHO, och FN:s miljöprogram, UNEP. Rapporten presterades under ett FN-möte i Nairobi 19 Februari 2012. Patrik Andersson och kollegor vid Umeå Universitet demonstrerar emmissionsmätningar av hormonstörande kemikalier från hushållsprodukter.

WHO document released “State of the science of endocrine disrupting chemicals – 2012”

Prof. Ake Bergman has been involved in an assessment of the state of the science of endocrine disruptors prepared by a group of experts for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and WHO. The UN study, which is the most […]

MiSSE in SVT News

The reporter Karin Axelsdotter Olsson from the Swedish Television (SVT) came to visit Bernt Jones (SLU-KV) and Jessica Norrgran (SU-MMK) for an interview regarding the MiSSE project. The result was shown on the evening news on the 15th of October. Bernt […]

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