Results, facts & figures
Between August 2013 and March 2014 the sampling team went out to visit 17 volunteering cat families in Stockholm-Uppsala region.Chemical exposure
Several chemical analysis have been performed on the dust and serum samples to establish the concentration range and the diversity between homes.Toxic evaluation
MiSSE has used several approaches to identify and evaluate the potency of the thyroid hormone disruptors, such as in silico modelling, in vivo and in vitro assays.The MISSE project
MiSSE addresses both the exposure to cats and to small children by the analysis of dust samples, and establishing the exposure pathway by analysis of cat serum.
The project started as a consequence from that cats has been shown to be good sentinels for human exposure and could help to better assess the chemical exposure small kids have in our homes.

News & updates
February 1, 2023
The new FELIX project is online
Visit the webpage and sign up as a volonteer to contribute to the project!
November 25, 2021
Next cat project granted by FORMAS
Today FORMAS granted a follow-up project of MiSSE where the health effects of the per- and polyfluroalkyl substances (PFASs) will
February 6, 2020
New article "Transthyretin-Binding Activity of Complex Mixtures Representing the Composition of Thyroid-Hormone Disrupting Contaminants in House Dust and Human Serum"
The different projects within MiSSE, i.e. the reviews, chemical analysis and in silico modelling led up to the formulation of
January 8, 2020
New book - Pets as Sentinels, Forecasters and Promoters of Human Health
This book provides an up-to-date overview of the current knowledge and research concerning domestic pets as sentinels, forecasters and promoters
In the media
Article in The New York Times Magazine
May 17, 2017
MiSSE article covered by media
February 27, 2017
New article in Environmental Science & Technology
February 22, 2017
MiSSE in the Swedish magazine Extrakt
December 6, 2016
MiSSE in LCGC magazine The Column
June 16, 2015
MiSSE i Veterinär magazinet (in Swe)
October 25, 2013
MiSSE kollegor i SR Kropp & Själ
September 17, 2013
Prof. Bergman comments the WHO-EDC document on SVT (in Swedish)
February 21, 2013
Final Conference 2018
“Mixture assessment of endocrine disrupting compounds” 2012-2018.
Thursday 23 August 2018, 9:30-16:30, Tändstickspalatset, Kreugersalen, Stockholm
The project has reached its final year and it is time for us to report on our findings regarding indoor exposure to endocrine disruptors and what possible implications that could have to human health. Over the day, we will present the outcome from our in silico studies, chemical analysis, bioassay testing and the evaluation of exposure to mixtures.