Thursday 4 June 2015 an open workshop will be held at Stockholm university where the partners of the project will present the progress half way through. The day will end with a discussion regarding how to evaluate mixtures and their […]
MiSSE presentation at the Swedish National Food Agency (in Swedish)
Onsdagen den 29 oktober genomförde Livsmedelsverket (SLV) en konferens i Uppsala med titeln ”Cocktaileffekter och livsmedel”. MiSSE projektet var inbjudet att presentera deras planer på att utvärdera kemikalieblandingar i vår inomhusmiljö.… Konferensen filmades och alla presentationer finns på deras hemsida. […]
Jana presented today the results from the method development to determine the per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) in cat blood at the Nordic Environmental Chemistry Conference in Reykjavik.( The presentation can be downloaded as pdf.
MiSSE progress seminar at Örebro University
The 15th of August Dr. Jana Weiss is invited to MTM (Man-Technology-Environment and Life Science Centre) at Örebro University to present the MiSSE project and its progress. The title is ‘Internal exposure levels of PFASs and PBDEs in cats and correlation to […]
1st reference group meeting
MiSSE was presented at a reference group meeting in Stockholm 22/10-2012 (in Swedish) MiSSE_Presentation(SE).pdf