About the Environmental Science Colloquium Series (ECo-Series)

The ECo-Series provides a forum for discussing scientific issues of societal relevance, sharing new and innovative techniques, and for interacting with other scientists, stakeholders and policy makers. Our aim is to provide entertaining, educational, and provocative events which foster discussion and creativity both within and outside of the Department.

Genotoxicity of nanomaterials

Nano sized materials have unique characteristics that facilitate new technical applications but may also render them more toxic than similar materials of larger particle size. The small size of nano materials can be expected to result in increased surface reactivity, improved uptake to cells and cell nuclei, interference with macromolecules in nano size, enhanced production of reactive oxygen species, and …

Marine biogenic sea spray aerosol as seeds of ice in clouds

The formation of ice in clouds is fundamentally important to life on our planet since clouds play a key role in climate and hydrological cycle. Despite the significance of ice formation, our quantitative understanding of sources, properties, mode of action and transport of Ince-Nucleating Particles (INP) is poor. In order to improve our representation of clouds in models we need …

Human health and chemicals – from exposure to female fertility and epigenetics

13:00  Introduction to Swetox and EDC- 2020 13.30 Biomonitoring of phthalate esters (Speaker: Annette Krais, Lund University) 13.25 Impact of EDCs on fertility in women – from exposure assessment to experimental models (Speaker: Pauliina Damdimopoulou, Karolinska Institute) 13.40 Metabolic regulation of receptor signalling (Speaker: Emma Vincent, Karolinska Institute) 13.55 Exposure to endocrine disruptors by house dust (Speaker: Åsa Gustafsson, Umeå …

The Influence Machine

On October 20th, Tony Ourslers video installation “The Influence Machine” will be shown outdoors at Frescati campus. In this work, Tony Oursler uses the landscape as a stage, images, accompanied by music, are projected onto clouds of smoke, trees, and nearby buildings. The event is organised by Stockholm University in collaboration with Magasin III Musem and the Foundation for Contemporary …

Världspremiär för film om polarforskning

Under Forskardagarna är det världspremiär för filmen om den internationella forskningsexpeditionen SWERUS-C3 till Arktis. Forskarna undersöker den metan som ligger bunden i permafrost och gashydrater i de svårtillgängliga öst-sibiriska grundhaven och avslöjar den arktiska havsisens historia. Filmen presenteras av Nina Kirchner, deltagare i expeditionen, docent i glaciologi och vetenskaplig föreståndare för Bolincentret för klimatforskning. “Minnen från expeditioner till så avlägsna …

Alumndagen 2016: Tillsammans för en hållbar värld

Umgås och inspireras tillsammans med tidigare kurskamrater och lärare på Stockholms universitets återkommande alumndag. I år bjuder vi på inspirationsföredrag med alumnen Johan Rockström, professor i miljövetenskap och känd debattör och sommarpratare. Han berättar om sitt arbete för att rädda vår planet och vad vi alla kan göra för att bidra till en hållbar framtid. Program 16.00             Registrering, fika, …

sScience Tools for Investigating Climate Change (eSTICC) in Northern High Latitudes – Third Yearly Meeting and General Assembly

eSTICC is a Nordic Centre of Excellence (NCoE) funded by NordForsk. eSTICC stands for “eScience Tools for Investigating Climate Change at High Northern Latitudes” and aims for a more accurate description of the high-latitude feedback processes in the climate system by improving the eScience tools for the climate research community. eSTICC has pooled together researchers from 13 top institutes in the Nordic countries working …

Researchers’ Night 2016

The last Friday of September has been designated Researchers’ Night by the European Commission. Across Sweden and all over Europe hundreds of activities are organised to show members of the public how exciting research can be and how relevant science actually is our daily lives. Researchers’s Night 2016 will be held on 30 Sep and involve 31 cities across Sweden, …

GoAmazon 2014/15 Experiment: From Biogenic air pollution and aerosol processing

The GoAmazon 2014/15 experiment (Observations and Modeling of the Green Ocean Amazon) was a great opportunity to study how urbanisation can change aerosol properties under pristine conditions in a tropical rain forest. The experiment too place rom January 2014 to December 2015 in the vicinity of Manaus, Brazil, where seven sampling stations were operated. Properties analysed were size distribution, organic …

Contact information

Visiting addresses:

Geovetenskapens Hus,
Svante Arrhenius väg 8, Stockholm

Arrheniuslaboratoriet, Svante Arrhenius väg 16, Stockholm (Unit for Toxicological Chemistry)

Mailing address:
Department of Environmental Science
Stockholm University
106 91 Stockholm

Press enquiries should be directed to:

Stella Papadopoulou
Science Communicator
Phone +46 (0)8 674 70 11