Thursday 4 June 2015 an open workshop will be held at Stockholm university where the partners of  the project will present the progress half way through. The day will end with a discussion regarding how to evaluate mixtures and their inherent toxicity. The discussion will be evaluated in an internal meeting on Friday 5 June.

Everyone is welcome on the open part of the meeting in Nordensköldssalen, Geovetenskapenshus, Stockholm University. The agenda is as follow:

11:00-11:15         Welcome             Åke Bergman (Project leader ACES)

11:15-12:00         Beyond environmental goitrogenesis: How EDCs can interfere with thyroid hormone action without changing serum thyroid hormone levels                Tom Zoeller Professor at the Biology department, University of Massachusetts Amherst, US.

12:00-13:00         Lunch break (lunch is served for the registered participants)

13:00-13:30         Introduction and status of the MiSSE project. Jana Weiss (Project manager, IVM/ACES)

13:30-13:50         Cats as biomarker for exposure to POPs in home environments – focus on brominated chemicals and associations to Feline hyperthyroidism. Jessica Norrgran (ACES)

13:50-14:10         Abiotic transformation of organophosphates. Johan (ACES)

14:10-14:30         In silico identification of thyroid disrupting chemicals targeting transthyretin and thyroid hormone receptor from indoor dust contaminants’. Jin Zhang (UmU)

14:30-14:50         Detecting thyroid endocrine disruption using metamorphosing frogs. Johannes Pohl (SLU)

14:50-15:20         Coffee break    

15:20-15:40         Exposure of developing zebrafish embryos to thyroid endocrine disrupting compounds. Marjo den Broeder (IVM)

15:40-16:10         In vitro thyroid hormone disruption by house dust chemicals, their metabolites, and mixtures thereof. Timo Hamers (IVM)

16:10-16:40         Opinions of the Authorities on mixture assessments. KemI/EPA/SE NFA/FORMAS

16:40-17:10         Opinions of the Advisors on mixture assessments. Tinka Murk (Professor Environmental Toxicology at Wageningen University & IMARES, NL) and Andreas Kortenkamp ( Professor in Human Toxicology at Brunel University, UK)

17:10-18:00         Discussion – how to address mixtures, preparations of test solutions, assuming concentration addition.                Moderator Åke Bergman

18:00 End of the meeting