Click and download the Audience Q&A from PFAS/Essential Use Webinar.
PFAS and the Essential Use Concept
Source: European Environmental Agency
14:00-14:05 Opening remarks and introductions by Prof. Ian Cousins
14:05-14:15 Keynote by Prof. Martin Scheringer
14:15-15:00 Panel discussion
15:00-15.15 Questions from the audience
About the participants
Prof. Ian Cousins
Ian is a Professor in the Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University, Sweden, and is also the coordinator of PERFORCE3. His research focuses on understanding the sources, fate and exposure of pollutants. To achieve his research goals, Prof. Cousins uses a combination of experimental and theoretical (e.g. computer modelling) approaches, and collaborates closely with analytical chemists in his department. He is well known for his research on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Martin Scheringer
Dr. Anna Lennquist
Jenny Ivarsson
Dr. Stephen Korzeniowski
Prof. Joel Tickner
Cousins, Ian T., et al. “The concept of essential use for determining when uses of PFASs can be phased out.” Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 21.11 (2019): 1803-1815.
Emerging chemical risks in Europe — ‘PFAS’ (2020) in European Environmental Agency
Kwiatkowski, Carol F., et al. “Scientific Basis for Managing PFAS as a Chemical Class.” Environmental Science & Technology Letters 7.8 (2020): 532-543.